
Yasuaki Morita’s diary.

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Tue 24.11.2020

I got call from the imigration office and heard that the applications for the regidence permits of my family is accepted. But we the confermation document which is supposed to arrive until last Monday still has not arrived. The post office (called Pósturinn) in this country has never work well..

Fri 18.09.2020

It’s been nearly two months since I arrived in Iceland. Now I study computer science as a full-time student at Reykjavik University and work a few hours a week at Lepidum, a software company in Japan. I am enjoying this lifestyle in my way. A lot of things don’t go as expected due to this COVID-19 situation, though. After several infections at Reykjavik University in the past two days, I’ve decided to get a screening testing by deCODE genetics next Monday. Read More...

Tue 30.06.2020

I found a web application framework called AppRun. While AppRun seems not popular framework in comprison with major ones like Vue or React, its functionality looks sufficient to develop a small web application and the performance and simplicity are quite impressive to me. Here is a comparison of several web frameworks. I will try AppRun just for fun.

Sun 28.06.2020

I have to write e-mail to https://utl.is to notice my application document status. I have sent a mail including my application document to Reykjavík University 17 days ago, But the mail have not reached to her yet. I won’t be able to complete my documents before July. It will cause significant delay in my study at the university.. update I’ve sent it.

Thu 25.06.2020

These days, I spend my time reading articles or books and I am watching the screen of my laptop whole day. It may be bad for my health. How long time it takes to carry my documents from Japan to Iceland with EMS, It has aready took 2 weeks but no changes in the delivery status. I feel a bit stucking and supporsedly I should do something new. But what should I do? Read More...

Sun 07.06.2020

The design of this site was updated. And this is my first diary after the update. The server runs this website has moved to contabo because they offer better VPS in performance with cheap price than vultre which I used before. The server is locate on EU, far from Japan I currently live, and the network delay feels a bit clumsy. To be honest, due to vultre’s Tokyo VPS instance was quite confortable with little network delay, I am a liitle frustrated with this point. Read More...

Wed 13.05.2020

My wife seemed embarrassed but pleased with answering these questions in this application form for a residence permit for a spouse. I feel like we’re closer than we were before she wrote it. But I’ve never thought that the Directorate of Immigration reminds us of our golden days. These questions seem totally useless for their job, and I have no idea at all why they are curious about stories before we got married. Read More...

Wed 29.04.2020

I am going to caltivate a vegitable patch in my garden. I removed overgrown weeds on my vegitable patch using a small sickle wearing groves and boots. I thought it was good for my healthm, but apparently, it was a bit tough to my back. After that, to neoutralize soil acidity, I scattered limestone powder and ploughed to make the soil include enough air. In addition, I bought a bag of fermented cow dunk as handy fertilizer for the first time in my life. Read More...

Mon 20.04.2020

This is a diary for the first time in half a year. I have moved to Nagano from Tokyo and new member was added to my family. She was born in Suwa Red-Cross Hospital on Feb 11, just expected date of birth. Her name is Kan. Winter has already gone, and it’s warm even in Nagano. I decided to take parental leave for second daughter Kan. I want to spend this vacation for both parenting and my study. Read More...